pre school blog

About Me

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Little Wonders is a wonderful learning center located right here in Missouri City. This is where talent, imagination and professional skills are being dedicated to the teaching of our young children. We understand that children learn differently. Through observation and listening, we encourage each individual's unique learning styles; while focusing on their physical, educational and emotional needs. All of our teachers are professionally qualified with combined expertise in education, speech & hearing therapy, bilingual education and English as a Second Language. With a low student-teacher ratio, we provide your child with the attention they need. Little Wonders Learning Center is located at the corner of Lexington Blvd. and Dulles Ave. In this center, you will find a number of warm, loving teachers committed to putting children first. This isn't your ordinary day care facility.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Cookie Delivery & Jungles!

We have a delivery  for the mailman!! 
This student made a package in the block area out of blocks and Styrofoam!
She told me, " I made a package with cookies in them because I'm delivering these packages to some body's house because they LOVE cookies!"

She went to the dress up/cooking area to make cookies to put in a package...

stirring and than baking them....
I asked her how many cookies she baked? she responded, "15".

We counted how many cookies, drew them,
and cut them out.
After doing all this..we figured out some more details!
What kind of cookies? -Silly sweet hot cookies
Who are we sending it to? -mommy and daddy
After all the preparations, she placed all of her well done cookies in an envelope to mail out! ;-)
She can not wait for her parents to receive her special gift!

A lot of the children's projects are being inspired by their new and improved cooking and dress up area!
As  Mila, Raina, Natalia and Ryan were playing in the dress up area, we asked them what they were doing...they responded,
"We have to go to the jungle." 
We asked more questions:
How are we going to get there?
 "were going to fly."
What are we going to do when we get there?
 "put on our swimsuits and start swimming."
What is in a jungle? "sharks,whales,and fish"
What animals do you think live in a jungle? "monkeys, elephants and giraffes."
After this group discussion we looked at pictures of a jungle where we saw soooo many plants and trees! We loved seeing all the green trees, sun and big rocks.
We practiced counting how many branches we saw in the picture along with trying to sound out the letters in the word, JUNGLE. The J and G did confuse us a little, but we are learning! :)

We created our own pictures of the jungle!!

"Trees in the Jungle" -Ereeni
"Lots of Trees"-Natalia
"Plants and a rock" -Raina
 "Elephant from the Jungle " - Amanda
"Spiders in the Jungle" -Natalia
"People in the Jungle" -Mila

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Art Sculpture made out of Paper!

The students LOVE to cut paper!
So instead  of throwing the paper in the trash, we started to collect all of it and put it all in a container! :)

After collecting a good amount of paper the children cut, we pulled it all out and counted how many different colors we had. We counted 8 DIFFERENT COLORS!
Ella then decided she wanted to make a pattern out of the colors, so we began organizing all the colors to begin a pattern.  We have used the paper to practice one to one correspondence, number recognition, and patterns. 

We wanted to do something new with the paper, so we put in a wooden structure that was saved from a previous project.

The children started gluing the paper on the wooden piece, and right before our eyes it was turning into an art piece.
We are keeping it in our room for the children to work on as the days continue.
We are excited to see what the children make of it.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Fall Activities

The children in this classroom have been working on many different fall activities! We have been talking about the fall, what crops grow, and what lives in the garden  to scare away the crows!? 
We all knew scarecrows scare the birds away, so we got right to work making some.....

Some of us drew what we wanted our scare crow to look like and others
 had many different materials they experimented with before they decided what they would actually use to make their scare crow!

They created many different kinds of scarecrows out of many different things!

We used materials like cardboard, hay, strings, fabrics and etc...

By: Ereeni
By: Ereeni & Devyn

By: Raina

Another thing we were talking about were bats! We talked about how bats were black and had wings and came out in the fall!!
We thought with just the right materials we could create our very own BATS!
We used tissue rolls, black tape and some black mesh.

By: Aidan
By: Devyn & Natalia

We also created some fall pictures of, pumpkins and scarecrows since we have been so interested in these things !

"2 eyes for my pumpkin!"

"Pumpkin" By: Mila

"Fall leaves" By: Ryan

"Scarecrow" By: Aidan

By: Aidan

By Raina

We have also started talking about spiders.  Some of our art is hanging in the classroom. 
Amanda made "A spider eating an ant."

Ryan made "A snake biting a spider."

 Our scarecrows are keeping our garden safe from the birds outside!