The boys have gotten a sudden interest with all the Dinosaurs in the classroom! They are imagining they are living in a dinosaur world. Dylan was sitting in the reading area where he found a book on Dinosaurs which caught his attention. He than had an idea to take the toy dinosaurs and imprint their foot in the play dough. This created a project within itself! All the children decided to give it a try! ;-)
"I think I want to try to get an imprint of this pointy tail!""I have to roll out enough play dough for each of my dinosaurs!"
After doing a little experimenting with the play dough, we used clay to create our own dinosaurs!
Ms. Kelly took us in the art studio where we examined a dinosaur and looked at all the body parts and talked about how they are used..we finally decided we were ready to make our very own! ;-)
Johnathan's Dinosaur!
This student used Popsicle sticks for the dinosaurs legs! We then got to put our dinosaur's next to the toy ones and create our own little story!The children sat around and shared different details of their dinosaurs.
Dylan told us he has his own eating place for his dinosaur where he ate only meat!
Jack told us his dinosaurs ate plants.
They also said the eating place became an airplane where food came falling from the sky and landed upside down because it was very sticky! ;o).
The children are enjoying this project. They shared beautiful conversations about the dinosaurs, what they ate, where they were going, and so much more. This has helped us learn about the differences in the dinosaurs and which ones were meat eaters vs. the plant eaters. We are drawing and creating the dinosaurs out of many materials. We are even spelling the word Dinosaur and other names of the dinosaurs.
Check back soon to see how this project progresses!
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